2006 was a difficult year for us. It was the year that mama had laparoscopic surgery to remove a stone in her gallbladder, it was the year that my father was diagnosed with Leukemia and the subsequent chemotherapy and trips to the hospital, the year of the accident that involved my sisters,me and my children , and the year that i knew i have MVP,cousin via having tubercular meningitis. It is the first time since living in Iligan that we didn't celebrate the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel with an open house for all visitors. It is easy to remember the hardships of 2006 but even more important is that we were mindful of the blessings that came along with those hardships. The most shining of those wonderful events of 2006 is Abby...
It just seemed yesterday when abby could be laid on my lap in a perfect fit.
She was a colicky child, cries most of the night and wants to be held constantly. I suppose it is true that your child will reflect the state of your pregnancy. I remember, I was always crying during those times. Not cry as in shedding a few tears, but really gut wrenching sob, sleepless nights cry. I thank God, really for helping me out during such difficult times.
Friends and family would say that abby takes on after hubby in looks. I suppose, that is true. Looking at both my children, i can't see any features of mine that they got. Really, I also want them to inherit hubby's guts, drive, passion and self-confidence. Especially Abby. Sometimes, I feel that Abby is too soft, like me. While AJ has a certain softness, she knows how to hide it and appear unemotional. Abby, on the other hand, wears her heart on her sleeve. It is easy to get hurt that way. This is not to downplay my own abilities. I'm sure God has showered me(and continues to do so) with some which has helped me to be what I am today, and I suppose He will also give my children what is necessary.
Anyway, when abby smiles she's just like my personal ray of sunshine. With her trademark curly unkempt hair, big round eyes and impish smile, she is still a baby to me at 3. Don't you just love her?
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